May is completely gone, and June is almost over. I have no appologies. It has been difficult. My grandpa Hasenpflug died, Brad's Grandpa Becker died and my cousin, Darcy Perrin died since I've last been here. Ethan had his sugery on his club foot on May 4th. Plus regular daily stuff. I have been creating - this is a good thing. I've done a lot of baking lately. My Noah turned 6 last Thursday. We had a bowling birthday party on Saturday with this cake:
Here is a wedding cake I did in May:
and here are some of my Lay outs:
and now, some photos for
the Scrapping Nook's Summer Photography Experience. This is 100 photo challenges that we have from today (June 21) until September 21 to work on. I'll be linking my photos from here so I don't bung up their gallery! My camera is a Kodak 10 mega pixels and 3x optical zoom point and shoot. (however, I have finally figured out the manual settings!!!) so here are some photos that I took today:
Our deck
Our backyard
this is as close I come to watching someone mow the lawn...I have allergies
a close up of a flower
my summer shoes nicely displayed on my favourite deck chair!
Ethan's summer feet for 2011 - Right foot casted still!