Thursday, January 17, 2013

Welcome back Tracy!

Well....lots has been going on here, and apparently I haven't written anything for quite some time (how embarrassing).  I've been full time at Georgian College, and I guess this was one of the things I've let go, and to be totally honest, I haven't missed all that much.  I am very excited to be here today though, and may come by from time to time to post some of my creations, as I cannot seem to upload on the Scrapping Nook's Gallery.  For January's on-line crop, the users of the forums were asked to go into the "challeng archives" and pick a challenge, do a sample and then post.  I will be posting my samples here first. 

The challenge I chose was from June 2012, and Grandma Dee presented it to us - show us a LO with people playing outside, and for bonus marks, show movement ont he page itself.

Well - I've tried to show the snowflakes sort of like it is snowing and my boys are having a blast on the snow hill down the street from where we live.

...and now for some reason, I can't upload a photo from my computer to here either!  GEESH!!!  I'll try another way...


1 comment:

  1. I came by to see what you have been up to :)
    Now that summer is here, I hope you can post a few of your projects :)
